A Mothers' Prayer of Repentance for her Children


A Mothers Prayer

Heavenly Father, I come into your presence through your son Jesus Christ. On behalf of my children. …………………………(name) You know all things before they were born, you know what I was personally going through. When I gave birth to……………………………. God, you know.  I ask this day that you will forgive me of every sin that I have committed concerning………………………………………..I ask that you will forgive me if they felt unloved, rejected, abandoned, lonely sad, insure, abused, or ignored, where I failed in showing them love, true love I ask that you will forgive me.  If I spoke death and not life over their life.  I repent of the sins that I have committed concerning ………………………..(call them by name) remove the curse of darkness from their life. Deliver them Jesus from the evil one, deliver them from depression, deliver them from the hurts, and pain of the past, that I allowed to come into their life because of my actions and behavior. Deliver them from addictions…………………………….. If I failed in not teaching them the way of the Lord oh Lord forgive me for not training them in the way that they should go that when they are old, they would not have departed from the truth, where I failed in not helping my children discover their purpose and path forgive me. Where I was too busy not to give them the care and attention they needed. I repent now, forgive me. In Jesus’s name I apply Jesus Christ’s blood over every sin I have committed concerning my children. Hear my cry oh Lord attend unto my prayer. Oh Lord Jesus deliver them in the name of Jesus. I pray to heal to their mind, soul, and body. OH, Lord release (name)………………………………..from ……………………….Restore……… O God; Cause Your face to shine on them [with favor and approval], and they shall be saved. Oh, that You would indeed bless ………………. and enlarge their border, and that Your hand would be with ………………, and You would keep them from evil so that it does not hurt ………………………”Oh, Lord bless ………………, and keep them [protect, sustain and guard ……………………..];
Oh Lord Jesus  make Your face shine upon …………………………. [with favor],
And be gracious to …………………………… [surrounding them with lovingkindness];

Oh, Lord lift up His countenance (face) upon ………………………………. [with divine approval],
And give ………………………..peace [a tranquil heart and life]. Lead them by the still waters and restore their soul. Lead them in the path of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Allow goodness and mercy to follow them all the days of their life and they shall dwell in your house forever. I pray for salvation they will confess with their mouth You are Lord and believe in their heart they shall be saved in Jesus’ name. I pray that Your Will be done in their life, they shall not die, but they shall live and declare the works of the Lord. This I ask in Jesus’ name amen.




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