I invite everyone to spend 40 days consecrating to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many may know this as
Lent, but we will fast and pray.
I would also
like you to fast from something personal to you. You decide.
If you are not well, please do not make this sacrifice. However, I would like you to pray that God will heal you.
Aim of Prayer and Fasting: personal consecration, getting into the presence of the Lord. You are dedicating yourself to the Lord. Letting go of the worldly things and setting yourself unto the Lord.
Praying 40
days of divine favor that supernatural doors will open that no man can close.
for all children and young people.
You may
also have your prayer request.
Fasting can break every chain of darkness;
there are some things in our lives that just can’t stay around anymore. If we are to
walk victoriously and in covenant with God. We have gone too long and too soft
with the enemy wreaking havoc. Fasting can break every stronghold
of the enemy.
·Dates March 5 to April 13, 2025
· Fluid Prayer and fasting. Room
temperature water, hot water, Juice diluted with water.
· Anoint yourself with anointed oil
for 40 days
· Fasting will start at midnight and end
at 3 p.m. every day. If possible, break with Lord's Supper or try to take it
before going to bed.
- Do
not eat any halal meat; what is halal meat? The animal must be healthy, disease-free,
and alive during slaughter. A Muslim who is mature and of sound mind
must slaughter the animal. The animal must be slit in the throat in a
specific way. The name of Allah must be invoked during slaughter. All
blood must be drained from the carcass
Things to Avoid while Fasting and Praying'
· Abstain
from alcohol
· Abstain from any form
of smoking
· Abstain from pork
· Abstain from any
drink with caffeine tea and coffee
· Abstain from sodas
during fasting
Morning prayer at 6
am and devotions will be conducted online via Zoom and conference call via WhatsApp.
Times of prayer: 6
am, 12 pm, 6 pm, 12 am
Morning: 6 am Prayer
Begin your day with praise and worship. Read and meditate on God’s
Word. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in you and ask to be mindful of his
presence. Pray for God’s vision and empowerment to do his will.
Noon: 12 pm
Return to prayer and God’s Word. If possible, take a short prayer
walk. Journal what you sense God speaking to you.
Evening: 6 pm
Get alone with God and seek Him. Intercessory prayer for your
community, our nation’s leaders, the world’s unreached millions, and your
family or personal needs.
Liquid Fast/Partial Fast
During this type
of fast, solid foods are not consumed. All food is replaced with liquids, which
can be consumed anytime. Make sure to drink plenty of water, and you may also
include fruit juices, vegetable juices, and herbal teas.
- Invite family and friends to
join prayer during our time of prayer and fasting. Send out Zoom links.
- When breaking fast, Pray and choose
healthy options, such as salads, soups, fruit, and vegetables, to include
in your meals.
Fasting increases one's strength against the enemy. One may feel like
they are in a continual war, but one must press into the presence of the Lord.
If you are fighting a stubborn enemy who refuses to give in to
surrender, then just know it is going to fight and fight and fight. Some demons
fight and fight and fight to hold on. But I have good news for you. If you keep
putting pressure on the enemy, you will get stronger and stronger, and he will
get weaker and weaker.
I pray that you will face your Goliath and you will take authority
against the enemy. David said, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who would
dare to defy the armies of the living God? I’ll go and fight him!” (1 Samuel
17:26.) David was a fighter. And I pray the spirit of David would come upon you
in this hour. Every time a Goliath stands up and challenges you, I pray that
you will say, “God has not given me the spirit of fear but of power and love
and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7).
Our faith-filled prayers, coupled with times of fasting, are keys to
seeing miracles and breakthroughs. Whatever we ask in prayer and believing, we
will receive (Matt. 21:22).
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