A Mothers' Prayer of Repentance for her Children

A Mothers Prayer Heavenly Father, I come into your presence through your son Jesus Christ. On behalf of my children. …………………………(name) You know all things before they were born, you know what I was personally going through. When I gave birth to……………………………. God, you know. I ask this day that you will forgive me of every sin that I have committed concerning………………………………………..I ask that you will forgive me if they felt unloved, rejected, abandoned, lonely sad, insure, abused, or ignored, where I failed in showing them love, true love I ask that you will forgive me. If I spoke death and not life over their life. I repent of the sins that I have committed concerning ………………………..(call them by name) remove the curse of darkness from their life. Deliver them Jesus from the evil one, deliver them from depression, deliver them from the hurts, and pain of the past, that I allowed to come into their life because of my actions and behavior. Deliver them from addictions…………………...