Prayers and Prayer Points


Prayers and Prayer Points

Prayer points

  • Generational Curse
  • Spiritual wickedness, Spiritual warfare
  • Children and Young People
  • Men will Arise
  • Against Depression
  • Suicide
  • homelessness
  • Finance
  • Insanity, lunatic Spirit 
  • Restoration of marriages
  • Business
  • Health, sickness, and disease
  • community
  • Government Leader
  • Breakthrough houses and Land
  • Ministry
  • Revival

The following are some prayers to help you get started.
Father, we come to You in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
1. O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but we are ashamed. We, Your people all over the world, have sinned against You.
2. We confess our sins and the sins of our forefathers. We have sinned against You. We have lived wickedly, and have rebelled, disobeying Your voice and Your will.

3. We have allowed ourselves to be deceived and distracted.
4. We have not walked with the Holy Spirit, Whom You gave us to guide us, teach us,
and show us all truth. We have become spiritually immature, worldly, and unable
to live out the truth. We have failed to do Your will.
5. We confess and repent of the sins of idolatry, witchcraft, sexual immorality, theft,
lying, greed, pride, murder, adultery, dishonoring our parents, unbelief, lack of
love, and countless other sins against You, O Lord.
6. Because of our sins and disobedience, our land and people have been cursed.
7. But You are a merciful God, full of grace and love, and we ask that You forgive us
our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
8. O Lord, hear our prayers, open Your eyes, and see our despair.
9. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own
sake, my God, for Your people are called by Your name. Break the curses that have
come upon our land and people, we humbly ask, O God.
10. We bind all ruler spirits satan has sent to carry out those curses against us, in
Jesus Christ’s name. Your Word says whatever we bind on earth will be bound in
heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven (See Matthew
16:19; 18:18).
11. Free the souls of men, women and children who have been bound by satan, and
take the blinders off their minds. We humbly ask You to send angels with chains
from heaven to bind up all of satan’s ruler spirits that control our land and people.
12. We cut all the cords of the enemy and cast them away and dry up the river of
death in Jesus Christ’s name.
13. Hide us beneath Your wings and cover us with Your feathers to protect us against
the enemy. “He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find
refuge” (Psalm 91:4).
We give You all the praise, honor and glory, O Lord God.
In Jesus Christ’s name we pray – Amen.

LORD, Your angels ascend and descend upon my life; for You have given Your
angels charge over me to deliver me in the name of Jesus (Gen. 28:12;
The angel of the LORD chases and persecutes my enemies in the name of Jesus
(Psa. 35:5, 6)
Your angels fight for me in the heavens against principalities and powers in the
name of Jesus (Dan. 10:13)
The angel of Your presence saves me and goes before me to make the crooked
places straight in the name of Jesus (Isa. 63:9; Zech.12:8)
LORD, thank You for sending Your angels to minister to me and before me to
prosper my way in the name of Jesus (Matt.4:11; Exod. 33:2)
LORD, hear my voice and send Your angels to deliver me from the hand of the
enemy in the name of Jesus (Num. 20:16; Matt. 12:11)

I disannul and cast out any spirit that would attempt to oppress me in the name of Jesus
Jesus, You went about doing good and healing all those oppressed of the devil because God
is with You (Acts 10:38).
I strip all power from spirits that would oppress me by the Blood of Jesus (Eccl.4:1).
I destroy and cast out all spirits of poverty that would oppress me in the name of Jesus
I destroy and cast out all spirits of madness and confusion that would attempt to oppress
my mind in the name of Jesus (Eccl.7:7).
O LORD, You undertake for me against all my oppressors in the name of Jesus (Isa.38:14).
LORD, You are my refuge from the oppressor (Psa.9:9).
I am delivered from the wicked that would oppress me and from my deadly enemies that
would surround me in the name of Jesus (Psa.17:9).
I am delivered from oppressors that seek after my soul in the name of Jesus (Psa.54:3).
Break in pieces the oppressor by the Blood of Jesus (Psa.72:4).
LORD JESUS, I am not left to my oppressors because You favor me (Psa.119:121).
The proud will not oppress me in the name of Jesus (Psa.119:122).
I am delivered from the oppression of men in the name of Jesus (Psa.119:134).
I rule over my oppressors by the Blood of Jesus (Psa.14:2)
All oppressors are consumed out of the land by the Fire of God (Isa.16:4).
I bind and silence the voice of the oppressor in the name of Jesus (Psa.55:3).
The enemy will not take my inheritance through oppression in the name of Jesus
LORD, You have executed judgment against my oppressors in name of Jesus (Psa.146:7).

Prayer For Myself Only
Father God in the name of Jesus, I break, cut, cancel, and burn the power of all
hypnotic trances, spells, anchoring, programming, mind control, and anything
else triggering my conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind, will, emotions
and intellect. I ask You to remove all the blinders and destroy all the affects from
me when I have been influenced. You declared in Your Word that I would know
the truth and the truth will make and keep me free. Expose all deception around
me. Give me Godly wisdom, understanding and grace to act on the revealed
knowledge You have placed within my spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
For My Family
Father God in the name of Jesus, I break, cut, cancel, and burn the power of all
hypnotic trances, spells, anchoring, programming, mind control, and anything
else triggering our conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind, will emotions
and intellect. I ask You to remove all the blinders and destroy all the affects from
those in my family, who have been influenced. You declared in Your Word that
we would know the truth and the truth will make and keep us free. Expose all
deception around me and in my family. Give us Godly wisdom, understanding and
grace to act on the revealed knowledge You have placed within my spirit in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen
For My Church
Father God in the name of Jesus, I break, cut, cancel, and burn the power of all
hypnotic trances, spells, anchoring, programming, mind control, and anything
else triggering our conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind, will emotions
and intellect. I ask You to remove all the blinders from those of my Church, who
have been influenced. You declared in Your Word that we would know the truth
and the truth will make and keep us free. Expose all deception around me and my
Church. Give us Godly wisdom, understanding and grace to act on the revealed
knowledge You have placed within our spirits in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, I cover myself, family and Church with the Blood of
Jesus Christ. I ask for Giant Warrior Angels to protect us.
As Your War Club and Weapons of War: I break down, undam, destroy, and
blow up all walls of protection around all witches, warlocks, wizards, satanists,
sorcerers, psychics and the like.
I release the Fire of God, the Blood of Jesus and destroy the power of all curses,
hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, blood sacrifices and demonic fastings.
I release the Fire of God, the Blood of Jesus and destroy the power of all psychic:
prayers > thoughts > projections > power > warfare > portals; all witchcraft, all
natural artifacts of witchcraft, sorcery, magic, voodoo, all manipulation and mind
I release the Fire of God, the Blood of Jesus and destroy the power of all jinxes,
potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, prayer
chains; incense and candle burning.
I release the Fire of God, the Blood of Jesus and destroy the power of all
incantations, chanting, blessings, hoodoo, crystals, root works, eggs and cancel all
curses being sent to me, my family, and Church.
I return it and the demons to the sender, HUNDREDFOLD and I bind it to them by
the Blood of Jesus Christ. I cut and burn their ungodly silver cord and lay lines, in
the Name of Jesus Christ. I now seal up their powers within themselves, so that
they cannot use them against anyone, and that their works are destroyed, NOW, in Jesus Christ's name.
by the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, AMEN.


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