
40 Prayer and Fasting Personal Consecration

  Prayer & Fasting Personal Consecration A Schedule and bible guide to help for the first 8 Days   Dates: Wednesday March 5, 2025, Time: 6. am, Zoom 12 pm, personal prayer time 3 pm Break Fast 6 pm Zoom Bible Guide: Psalm 51 Isaiah 6 Worship, Prayer: Time in personal Consecration repentance Thursday 6, Time: 6. am, Zoom 12 pm, personal prayer time 3 pm Break Fast 6 pm Zoom Esther chapter 4, & 5 Psalm 139:23-24 Worship, Prayer: Time in personal Consecration repentance Friday 7 Time: 6. am, Zoom 12 pm, personal prayer time 3 pm Break Fast 6 pm Zoom Prayer Psalm 1 Romans 12 Worship, Prayer: Time in personal Consecration repentance Saturday 8, Time: 6. am, Zoom 12 pm, personal prayer time 3 pm Break Fast   2 Chronicles 7:14 ...


  PREPARATION FOR 40 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING I invite everyone to spend 40 days consecrating to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many may know this as Lent, but we will fast and pray. I would also like you to fast from something personal to you. You decide. If you are not well, please do not make this sacrifice. However, I would like you to pray that God will heal you.  Aim of Prayer and Fasting: personal consecration, getting into the presence of the Lord. You are dedicating yourself to the Lord. Letting go of the worldly things and setting yourself unto the Lord. Praying 40 days of divine favor that supernatural doors will open that no man can close. Praying for all children and young people. You may also have your prayer request.   Fasting can break every chain of darkness; there are some things in our lives that just can’t stay around anymore. If we are to walk victoriously and in covenant with God. We have gone too long and too soft with the enemy wreaking h...

Prayer For Healing


Prayer For Release In Your Emotions

 Pray This Prayer Father, in Jesus name. By the authority given to bind and lose, I lose my emotions from every evil spirit that has come in because of experiences in the past. Everything that has happened to me. I lose myself from all hurt, deep hurt, pain, sadness, grief, anger, hatred, rage, bitterness, and fear. I command these spirits to come out now.  In Jesus' Christ name, I renounce you and forbid you to return in Jesus Christ's name.   I bound and blocked every negative emotion. With the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I decree freedom to my emotions, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen

Trust in the Lord


Do's and Do not in Prayer and Fasting

Read your bible. and meditate on the word Pray every three hours starting at 12 am Spend time in personal thanksgiving and praise to the Lord. Drink hot water or juice dilute juice  Break fast at 3pm if working at 12pm Every day take Lord supper at the end of your fast go to Arise To Glow Audio prayer power channel. and listen to Lord Supper. Pray at 12 pm and 6pm  Pray for everyone in the group Write prayer points in your journal Find bible scriptures regarding your prayer points Pray bible verses Every morning anoint your head, hands, and feet and repeat "My head is anointed with oil and my cup runneth over." Spend the first 2 or 3 days in personal consecration repent repent repent read Daniel 9  Read about David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17:  Corporate prayer points Deliverance from Evil  Pray that God will do a new thing now it shall spring forth. Isaiah 43:19 Salvation  Healing Marriage divine intervention Children saved and healed Financial breakthrough no...

Intimacy With God Praying and Fasting

Prayer and Fasting intimacy with God. Fasting and prayer can  restore or strengthen your intimacy with God . Many find fasting helps them rediscover their “first love” for God again. Fasting is a way to humble yourself in the sight of God (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). King David said, “I humbled my soul with fasting” (Psalm 69:10) Fasting and prayer can help us hear God more clearly. To listen to God as you fast, consider combining a time of fasting with a practice of reading the word of God.  Fasting and prayer can transform your prayer life into a richer and more personal experience with God. Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to reveal your actual spiritual condition. When you see your own brokenness more clearly, you can move toward repentance.  When you experience revival in your own life through fasting, the grace and love of God can shine through you into the lives of others.  Examine your heart. Ask God to help you see your brokenness clearly so that you can confess...